29th January 2019
To the UNE Community,
UNE is monitoring the evolving situation regarding the novel coronavirus , 2019-nCov that has originated in Wuhan City in China.
Information on this virus is changing rapidly. It is clear that it is a significant outbreak in the city of Wuhan and surrounds.
The most common symptom is a fever. Other symptoms include, cough, sore throat and shortness of breath. It is unknown how long it may take for symptoms to present at this stage but most likely between 2 and 14 days. . If you show any of these symptoms and have been in contact with any international traveller or have travelled overseas yourself in the last three weeks please present yourself to your doctor or nearest medical centre.
If you notice anyone with these symptoms, please ask questions relating to contact with overseas travellers or travel themselves. If they answer in the positive then please strongly recommend they visit their doctor or nearest medical centre. The UNE medical centre at Armidale Hospital has made preparations for any patient showing these symptoms.
Please manage your personal hygiene carefully. UNE will be placing hand sanitiser in all bathrooms on campus for hand washing during this period.
Advice from NSW Health
NSW Health advises, if you come into contact with a person with symptoms, or who you think has returned to Australia recently from Wuhan you should:
- Monitor your health.
- If you develop symptoms including a fever and respiratory signs, please call ahead and book in to see a doctor. Tell your doctor that you have been in contact with someone from Wuhan.
- Practice simple hygiene by covering your coughs and sneezes and wash your hands thoroughly.
Travel Advice
DFAT has advised all Australians to reconsider their need to travel to Wuhan.
UNE’s position is that any travel to China has been suspended. You will require Senior Executive approval to travel to at risk destinations.
Please ensure that you give at least 3 weeks’ notice to your Senior Executive for their approval for any travel to China.
For any private trips planned to China, we strongly urge you to reconsider and check the up to date advice from DFAT here
This message has been provided by Professor Peter Creamer | Chief Operating Officer, UNE